
Tardies are a classroom disruption and may effect your education. Students are to be in their scheduled classroom when the tardy bell rings. 

When arriving tardy to school

If you have a note from your parent, come to theoffice for an admit slip, otherwise proceed to class. 

When arriving tardy to class

Sign the tardy log in the classroom. 
Talk with teacher to ensure that you are not marked absent.

Consequences and Detention (per semester)

Our attendance policy is that the 3rd tardy per term requires detention time to be served.  Detention can be served during lunch time and before or after school.  Bring work with you to make this time productive.  Some students have both deficient grades and tardies to be made up.  Fixing the grade will be the first priority, then making up the tardy.  Students will not be eligible to participate in school activities ( dances, sports, Lagoon day etc) until tardies are made up.  Please get to class on time!