School Mission and Belief Statements

grizzly bear picture

Our Mission:

At Payson Junior High School, we are dedicated to high levels of learning for all and to preparing young people for tomorrow’s opportunities.

Our Motto:

As Grizzlies we are united in our growl:

G Grateful

R Respectful

R Responsible 

R Resilient  


Our Vision:

At PJHS we strive to foster a safe climate of trusting relationships by celebrating the cultures represented within our school and community. As a faculty we are dedicated to the development of the whole child. Through teacher collaboration we believe our collective efforts will foster high levels of learning for all. 

Our Values:

  1. PJHS is a place where our faculty value and care for each student and each other. 

  2. PJHS is a place where our faculty recognize our students’ capabilities and support them in reaching their full potential.

  3. PJHS is a place where teachers ensure students reach high levels of learning through collaborative problem solving.

  4. PJHS teachers are personally dedicated to high levels of learning and improving their professional practice. 

Our Safe School Environment:

  1. At PJHS we strive to foster a safe climate of trusting relationships by celebrating the cultures represented within our school and community. Through teacher collaboration, we believe our collective efforts will foster high levels of learning for all. As a faculty we are dedicated to the development of the whole child.

  2. We ensure high levels of learning through teacher collaboration, and as a faculty we believe that our collective efforts will foster high levels of learning for all. 

Our Desired Results for Student Learning:

  1. A Successful Learner understands student responsibility, accesses knowledge through resources and research, and applies that knowledge in academic and real-life situations.

  2. A student with Social Integrity develops character traits that promote respect among him/herself, others, and property.

  3. A Responsible Citizen engages in democratic principles that respect diversity and becomes an active participant in both school and community through service to others and involvement in the formation of a positive school culture.