General Information


  • Hall passes are required to be in the hall during class time.

  • Rough housing, pushing, shoving, tripping, running, etc. are not allowed.

  • Always walk on the right side of the hallways.

  • Do not block halls by forming large groups.

  • Please deposit all trash in the cans provided.


  • Food bought in the cafeteria will be consumed in

  • the cafeteria.

  • No cutting ahead of others in the lunch lines.

  • Clean up your own tray and no throwing of food.

  • During lunch students are not allowed in the academic halls (B, C, or D)

Food & Drinks

  • Vending machines are available to you before/after school and during lunch

  • Outside drinks are not permitted to be brought into the school.

  • Energy drinks containing high levels of caffeine are not permitted anytime while at school.

  • No food or drink in the academic halls at anytime (B, C, or D halls) or in the classroom.


  • Lockers are the property of the school and are issued to you for school purposes. Lockers will be checked periodically throughout the school year.

  • It is your responsibility to keep your locker clean. 

  • No stickers or decals are to be placed inside your locker.

  • Do not tell anyone your combination (even your friends).

  • If you have a problem with your locker, see Mrs LeMmon or Mr. Mortensen.

Appropriate Language

  • The use of improper or profane language in classrooms, hallways, or anywhere on school grounds or school sponsored activities is prohibited. This includes verbal, written, or gestured language.

Books/ Chromebooks

  • All textbooks, Chromebooks and library books are the property of Nebo School District. 

  • Lost and/or damaged books will require fees for their replacement or repair.

Lost and Found

  • The general lost and found is in the main office.

  • If you suspect that items have been stolen, please advise an administrator.

  • All lost items are donated to charity if not claimed.

Library Media Center

  • The library is available before school, at lunchtime and after school.

  • Students may not be in the library during class time without a pass.

  • Students will follow all directions of the Media Specialist while in the library.

Personal and Nuisance Items

  • Items that distract from the educational process do not belong in the school. They are a distraction and oftentimes are stolen because of their value. The following are examples of nuisance items and will be confiscated if used on school grounds:

    • Balloons

    • Yo-yo’s

    • Ipods, CD and MP3 players

    • Laser pens

    • Toys and games of any kind

    • *Cell phones

    • Any other item that is a distraction

    • Payson Junior High School will not be responsible for money or other items stolen from lockers, backpacks, or other areas of the school.


  • Office telephones are for emergency use only and will only be available before and after school, or when a student has a hall pass.


  • ALL medications to be taken at school must be cleared through the office and must follow the Nebo School District Policy #JHCD guidelines. 

Withdraw or Transfer

  • Several days before a student plans to withdraw from school, a parent or guardian must contact the school to receive instructions on proper procedures for withdrawing their student from Payson Junior High School. The parent, student, and an administrator must sign the document before it is official.


  • Fighting will not be tolerated at school or school sponsored activities. Combatants will be immediately suspended and parents notified. Students who encourage fighting or create a hostile atmosphere may also be suspended. 


  • Students are to sit in their assigned section with their teacher. Student behavior should always be refined and courteous. Appropriate applause is appreciated to thank those performing. Please no whistling, cat calling, booing, or shouting out.

  Bus Regulations

  • The transportation department only allows students to ride the bus for which they are scheduled. Administrators will not allow a student to ride a different bus except in an emergency and only with parent permission. 

Safe School Environment

  • Students should not possess or use any item that may harm other students or staff, i.e. firearm, knife, lighters, matches, fireworks, etc.

Want to know what’s happening at PJHS:


  • Report Cards

    • Reports cards are issued at the request of the parent or student.  Digital copies of Report cards are always avaiable on the parent portal of icampus(link is external).

    • Progress reports may be requested by the parents throughout the term.

    • Parents may access their child’s grade at any time on the internet using icampus(link is external) from the Nebo School District website or using the link.

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences

    • Parent-teacher conferences are held during the school year to discuss the academic and citizenship progress of each student (see calendar for dates).

 Appointments with teachers or counselors

  • If a parent needs to meet with a teacher or a counselor they should call the school for an appointment during office hours at 465-6015.


  • Violations of school policies may result one or more of the following consequences:

    • Student Conference with Administrator

    • Confiscation of dangerous or nuisance items

    • Parents may be called and informed of student behavior

    • Students may be asked to clean up in and around the school

    • Parent Conference may be called to discuss options

    • Behavior contract may be instituted

    • Lunch Detention may be required

    • Student may be referred to the Skill Building or SUCCESS program

    • In-School Suspension

    • Out of School Suspension

    • Referral to Payson City Youth Court

    • Referral to Payson City Police Department and/or Juvenile Court

    • Alternative Placement may be arranged

    • Referral to Nebo School District for possible further consequences

  • Administrative Consequences will be based on the severity of the incident, whether the action represents a pattern of offense, and on the attitude and cooperation of the student involved.


**It is the policy of Nebo School District not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, disabilities, or any other legally protected class(es) as defined by applicable state and federal law, in its educational programs, activities, admissions, access, treatment, or employment practices. Questions, concerns, complaints, and requests regarding this nondiscrimination policy should be directed to the Director of Human Resources at the Nebo School District administration office, located at 350 South Main Street in Spanish Fork, Utah (801-354-7400).  Additionally, concerns may be directed to the Denver Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education. 1244 Speer Boulevard, Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204-3582. Telephone: 303-844-5695; Fax: 303-844-4303; TDD: 877-521-2172