
  • Show courtesy and respect by following all directions from administration, faculty, and staff.

  • Appropriate behavior is expected in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, on school grounds, and during all school sponsored activities.

  • All faculty and staff are to be addressed as Miss, Ms., Mrs., or Mr. and at no time by just their first or last name.

  • Be considerate of all school property and the property of other students.

  • Keep our school clean. Use the trashcans provided.

  • Please walk on the right side in the hallways, do not block the middle of the hallway, and do no not run in the hallways

  • Handholding and other public displays of affection are not permitted at school

You are to adhere to all Nebo School District policies including: Student Dress and Grooming Standards, Closed Campus Policy, Attendance and Citizenship Policy, Safe School Policy, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Policy, and Sexual Harassment Policy

Classroom Guidelines

  • Be prepared with all necessary materials (books, pencil, paper, planner, etc).

  • Follow the directions of your teacher.

  • Complete all assignments on time.

  • Please ask for help from your teacher when you are unsure about what to do.

  • Do not talk or whisper when the teacher is talking, another student is presenting information, the group is in study, or during tests or quizzes.

  • Each classroom will be clean before the students leave, do your part.

  • Do not leave the classroom at any time without the teacher’s permission and your Hall Pass.

 Security Issues

  • Visitors

    • ALL visitors must be cleared through the front office and wear the required visitor badge. Students not enrolled in Payson Junior High School may not come to school as a guest of other students.

  • Parking Lots

    • Students are not to linger in parking areas. 

  • Surveillance Cameras

    • Cameras are located in various areas of the school to help ensure the safety of students and staff. Information gathered as a result of this surveillance may be used to enforce disciplinary action for students in violation of school policies.


A locked outside area is provided on the East side of the building.  It is locked at the beginning of the day and unlocked at the end of the school day.

  •  Bicycles

    • Please walk your bike on school property.

    • A bicycle rack is provided, but you are responsible to bring a lock.

    • Payson Jr. High School is not responsible for the security of your bike. 

  • Rollerblades, Skateboards, and Scooters

    • No riding rollerblades, skateboards, scooters, or Healie shoes on school property. 

    • This includes the concrete areas in front and back of the school

Guidance Counseling

  • Our counselors are Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Mangum and Mr. Rather

  • The counseling department offers the following services:

    • Orientation of new students

    • Registration of all students

    • Individual and group counseling

    • Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

    • Guidance counseling in the areas of personal counseling, high school graduation requirements, college preparation, career planning, and SEOP’s

    • Student recognition and achievement awards. 

  • Appointments

    • See Mrs. Vellinga for an appointment with a counselor. 

    • You will be called out of class later in the day.

  •  Schedule Changes

    • There is a $5.00 fee for any requested class changes after August 14th. This fee will remain in effect for the entire year.