Computer Use

The right and privilege to use computers at Payson Junior High School brings with it agreat responsibility.  The Computer Use Agreement is in Section C: General School Administration of the Distric Policy page and going to Section C.

The following rules and regulations have been established to help you understand the importance of being responsible: 

  1. The District Computer Use Policy will be strictly enforced.

  2. Each student must have a signed Computer Use Agreement on file to be eligible to use school computers for any purpose.

  3. Game playing is only allowed with a teacher’s permission and under their direct supervision.

  4. You may not be off-task (looking at other sites, surfing, etc.) at any time.

  5. Printing from the computer must be kept to a minimum. Students may only print school related material and may
    only do so with the permission of their teacher.

  6. You are not allowed to use a computer before, during, or after school without direct teacher supervision.

  7. Destruction of school computer property will not be tolerated. 

  8. No food or drinks near the computers.