Drugs, Alcohol, & Tobacco

Policies and Procedures on Student Use of Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs 

Statement of Intent

The Nebo School District Board of Education recognizes that the use, possession, distribution, or sale of tobacco,

alcohol, drugs, and/or other similarly harmful substances, or drug paraphernalia constitutes a hazard to the welfare of

students and faculty, and is illegal under the laws of the State of Utah. It is the Board's responsibility to adopt policies

and procedures which will minimize the hazard caused by the presence of these substances or devices in the schools or at any school sponsored functions.


The Board believes that tobacco, alcohol and drug primary prevention programs are effective in providing students

with the opportunity to build social skills and enhance self-concepts, as well as providing information on the harmful

effects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Prevention curricula can assist students with the necessary skills needed for

decision making toward a more healthy life style, including the prevention of misuse and abuse of tobacco, alcohol and

other drugs.


The Board supports programs that coordinate school and parent cooperation in attempting to prevent problems of drug abuse and supports programs that assist parents in seeking outside professional help from public or private educationaland rehabilitative programs.

Statement of Alcohol and Drug Policy

Nebo School District prohibits any unauthorized student use, possession, sale or distribution of alcohol, controlled

substances, imitation controlled substances, and/or other similarly harmful substances, or drug paraphernalia. These

actions are prohibited in any school building, or on any other property owned or operated by the District, or at any

school sponsored activity, or in any vehicle dispatched by the District to transport students to or from an activity. These prohibitions apply whether or not the actions occur during regular school hours.


The words "use," "possession," "sale," "distribution," "alcohol," "drugs," "controlled substances," and "imitation

controlled substances," shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Utah Controlled Substances Act, the Utah Drug Paraphernalia Act, the Imitation Controlled Substances Act, and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, or any successor acts thereto of the Utah Code. The word "parents" means natural parents, foster parents, or legal guardians. The words"other similarly harmful substances" mean substances such as inhalants and/or inappropriate use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

To read the complete policy, see Nebo School District Policy No. JFCH/JCCI