Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Who is my student's counselor?

  • Mrs. Adams A-C

  • Mrs. Elliott D-I

  • Mrs. Mangum J-N

  • Mrs. Miller O-S

  • Mrs. Rindlisbacher T-Z

2. How do counselor's help students in junior high?

  • Counselors provide assistance to students with College and Career Readiness (CCR) plans and social/emotional adjustments to junior high school. The counselors are trained listeners and help students become problem solvers.

3. How do I make an appointment to meet with a counselor?

  • Parents may call Mrs.Martin, our registrar, to set up an appointment to meet with a counselor at (801) 465-6021. Appointments are encouraged to ensure a counselor will be available when you arrive.

  • Students may stop by the counseling center and fill out a counseling request form with Mrs. Vellinga. The student will be called down to meet with a counselor as soon as possible.

4. How do I make a class change?

  • When registering for classes students need to carefully select the classes they are interested in taking. Occasionally there are problems in a particular class that necessitate a class change. 

  • Class changes are permitted through the first five days of 1st semester depending on class availability. Students interested in making a class change should obtain a class change request form from the counseling office. There is a $5 class change fee unless there is a scheduling error.

5. How can I get help in an academic subject?

  • Students are encouraged to talk to their teachers before school, during class breaks, or after school. They may also get help with academics from their teachers during remediation. Remember to check the teachers websites to get missed assignments. A lot of teachers also put their notes on their websites as well.

  • Before school tutoring help is available Monday - Thursday 7:20-7:45am in Mrs. Wagner's classroom D148.

  • Counselors can help students with study techniques, organization, and time management skills.

6. How can I track my student's academic progress?

  • Parents and students can access academic records on Infinite Campus.